Wellness Blog

Nancy Demian Nancy Demian

Back-to-School Health Checklist: Ensuring a Safe and Healthy Return

As we approach the new school year, prioritizing health and wellness is more crucial than ever. VaxPro is here to support families, educators, and institutions with a comprehensive back-to-school health checklist. From staying up-to-date with vaccinations and health screenings to managing allergies and mental health awareness, our services ensure a safe and healthy return for everyone. Let us help you create a thriving school environment—contact VaxPro today to learn more!

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Nancy Demian Nancy Demian

Vaccine Rates Among College Students in the USA

Vaccination rates among college students in the USA are crucial for campus health, especially post-COVID-19, with compliance for required vaccines often exceeding 90%. Access to convenient on-site vaccination clinics is essential to ensure high vaccination rates by making it easier for students to get vaccinated. Addressing barriers such as clinic accessibility, vaccine hesitancy, and financial constraints can further improve these rates, helping universities maintain a healthy campus environment.

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Michael Demian Michael Demian

Understanding the Differences: mRNA Vaccines vs. Traditional Vaccines

In recent years, mRNA vaccines have become a focal point in the medical community, especially with their crucial role in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. This innovative approach has sparked interest and curiosity about how mRNA vaccines differ from traditional vaccines. Here, we'll delve into the key differences between these two types of vaccines, their mechanisms, and their implications for future vaccine development.

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Nancy Demian Nancy Demian

Natural Defences: Preventing the Flu with Vitamin D, Vitamin C, and Exercise

As flu season approaches, many of us are looking for ways to bolster our immune systems and fend off illness. While vaccines remain a crucial line of defense against the flu, natural methods like optimizing vitamin intake and maintaining regular physical activity can also play a significant role in preventing the flu. Here, we explore how vitamin D, vitamin C, and exercise can help keep you healthy during flu season.

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Nancy Demian Nancy Demian

Staying Healthy on Campus: Understanding Vaccine Rates Among College Students

College campuses are vibrant communities where young adults not only pursue academic growth but also social and extracurricular activities. However, the close quarters of dormitories, crowded lecture halls, and busy social calendars make these settings potential hotbeds for the spread of infectious diseases. Vaccinations play a crucial role in keeping these communal environments safe. Let's delve into the current state of vaccine rates among college students and why they are vital for maintaining health on campus.

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Nancy Demian Nancy Demian

The Hidden Cost of the Flu: How Influenza Impacts Workplace Productivity

Every year, as flu season approaches, businesses brace for the inevitable dip in productivity caused by widespread illness among employees. While the health concerns associated with influenza are well-recognized, its economic impact on productivity is often underestimated. This blog post delves into how the flu affects workplace productivity and what businesses can do to mitigate these effects.

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